Advance payday loans can be a life saver if you are really broke and need some money before payday, but be warned because their rates can be outrageous. They can sometimes charge up to 15% of what they loan to you to finance your advance cash loans, or even more. The people who use these things are all or almost all really poor people just a little behind on a payment of some kind – perhaps rent or something like that. They get the advance payday loans because they are out of options. They are living paycheck to paycheck and hand to mouth and are a few days behind so they are desperate to do something, to do anything to make ends meet.
Sometimes advance payday loans are not used just by legitimate people who are having trouble making ends meet, but by the really desperate like junkies or addicts of various kinds. They can be so upset about not getting their fix that they will waste money they don't even have yet and get farther and farther behind, because they are desperate to get their fix. This is very sad, because these people already have such incredible problems without loosing 15% or more of their income to a loan shark. Many is the story of someone finally finished off for good by advance payday loans.
I had a friend in college like that once. He was brilliant – a student of both Physics and English, and one of the most creative, innovative, and unconventional thinkers I have ever met to this very day. He got an advanced cash payday loan because, well, he was looking to party, and figured he could make it up the next month by living lean, eating Ramen Noodles and ketchup sandwiches. HE was young, he figured, he could eat healthy when he was older. But the next month he was still behind, and the next too, and he kept having to get advance payday loans to cover the debt he already had. Besides this, he was developing an addiction at the time, and the stress of his finances was only making it worse. Fortunately, he had a supportive family who was able to get him into a rehab program, and help straighten out his financial dire straights, but it all just goes to show you that it's a bad idea to spend money that you don't have. advance payday loans may look like a good idea, but believe me, they are not.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
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